Sinónimos de facial en inglés

¿Estás buscando sinónimos de la palabra facial en Inglés? Tenemos 9 sinónimos de la palabra facial en nuestra base de datos con definiciones y ejemplos de uso.

Definiciones de facial como nombre

  • A personal care beauty treatment which involves cleansing and moisturizing of the human face.
  • A foul play which involves one player hitting another in the face.
  • A sex act of male ejaculation onto another person's face.

Definiciones de facial como adjetivo

  • Of or affecting the face.

Ejemplos de uso de la palabra facial

  • The newest version uses facial-recognition software to validate a login.
  • He has really soft facial features.
  • It is likely that the police confused the two individuals as they both had similar facial features.
  • Tom tried to act normal, but you could tell from his facial expression and demeanour that he was seething with rage.
  • I thought you said Tom had no facial hair.
  • Tom's facial features and mannerisms are very much like those of his father.
  • After Tom was punched in the face, the doctor ordered that two x-ray images be taken – a frontal view and a lateral view – to check for broken facial bones.
  • You should grow facial hair.
  • I got a facial, a manicure and a pedicure.
  • Her facial expression was more sour than a lemon.

Nube de palabras de facial

El siguiente gráfico muestra una nube de una palabra acaso, sus sinónimos y con la frecuencia con que se utilizan las palabras.

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