Sinónimos de snatch en inglés

¿Estás buscando sinónimos de la palabra snatch en Inglés? Tenemos 47 sinónimos de la palabra snatch en nuestra base de datos con definiciones y ejemplos de uso.

Sinónimos de snatch por significado

Definiciones de snatch como nombre

Definiciones de snatch como verbo

  • To grasp quickly.
  • To attempt to seize something suddenly; to catch.
  • To grasp and remove quickly.
  • To steal.
  • By extension To take a victory at the last moment.
  • To do something quickly due to limited time available.

Ejemplos de uso de la palabra snatch

  • Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness; no laziness; no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  • The King had hardly made a few steps to the door when he was startled by Morshu's mean laughter. The trickster merchant jumped out from behind the couch. "I got you on camera! I got you on camera!" he grinned triumphantly. "Me too," Ganon appeared next. "Hey, that's not nice!" the King cried frustratedly. "Give me that!" Morshu easily dashed a few attempts to snatch the camera. "Oh no, King, we're already putting this on YouTube!" Ganon gloated. "For the lulz!" "The lulz!" Morshu joined. "No, please, no!" the King beat his fists against the floor in despair. "Stop it, stop the uploading! Please, PLEASE!" "Hehehe," Ganon had the smuggest smirk on his face, "this is better entertainment than stealing offering money!"
  • The world would be a great deal better if men, in their greed, did not seek to snatch every thing for themselves, instead of leaving something as a thankoffering to the giver of the blessings.
  • You have to snatch at happiness when you can.
  • Love is something that you can neither snatch away nor express.

Nube de palabras de snatch

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