Sinónimos de dust en inglés

¿Estás buscando sinónimos de la palabra dust en Inglés? Tenemos 35 sinónimos de la palabra dust en nuestra base de datos con definiciones y ejemplos de uso.

Sinónimos de dust por significado

Definiciones de dust como nombre

Definiciones de dust como verbo

  • To remove dust from.
  • To remove dust; to clean by removing dust.
  • Of a bird, to cover itself in sand or dry, dusty earth.
  • To spray or cover something with fine powder or liquid.
  • To leave; to rush off.

Ejemplos de uso de la palabra dust

  • Grandma's hard candy was always stuck together in a bowl and tasted like dust.
  • The king lost weight after asking his chefs to add gold dust to his meals.
  • He spent the afternoon high, watching dust float through shafts of light.
  • Wait until the dust clears.
  • They're all covered in dust.
  • Tom is allergic to house dust.
  • The desk was covered with dust.
  • The desk was covered in dust.
  • Dust was blowing everywhere Monday.
  • No one today remembered why the war had come about or who, if anyone, had won. The dust which had contaminated most of the planet’s surface had originated in no country, and no one, even the wartime enemy, had planned on it.

Nube de palabras de dust

El siguiente gráfico muestra una nube de una palabra acaso, sus sinónimos y con la frecuencia con que se utilizan las palabras.

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